by Anna Rodriguez

Kuna FFA Chapter Reporter

 The Kuna FFA Chapter was in Twin Falls this last week to compete in a variety of contests. Floral team kicked off the competitions and did very well. The team consisting of Hayley Johnson, Chelsea Schlabach, Kelsey Moore, and Kayla Wartman placed 7th overall in the state.

The Landscape design contest also placed 7th and consisted of Chelsi Pawson, Samantha Roberts, Dalaney Soto, and Camille Werner.

The Horse Judging team consisted of Kevin Brown, Brittany Roberts, Heather Skovegard, and Kinsie Ward.  Heather placed 3rd individually.

The Parliamentary Procedures team, consisting of Chris Ball (High Chairman), Jeni Hagler, Scott Hukill, Anna Rodriguez, Alyssa Shakel, and Kaisa Werner placed 1st in the state and will represent our chapter  at the 2011 National Convention to be held Indianapolis, in October.

Farm Business Management also placed 1st in the state competition and this team will also be attending the National Convention to represent Idaho. Member of this team are Joshua Winger who placed 1st  overall, Zachary Reynolds who placed 2nd, Jeni Hagler who placed 3rd, and Mark Nebeker who was placed 7th

Many members of our chapter also received individual awards. Maggie Reynolds was selected as the State Star Agricultural Placement Candidate. Mark Nebeker was awarded 1st and Gold with his diversified Crop Proficiency award. Marcy Winger was awarded with 1st and Gold with a Sheep Production Proficiency award.  Jeni Hagler was also awarded with 2nd place and Gold for Diversified Livestock. Rounding out the individual awards is Brett Blackstock who earned the title of State Parliamentarian.

There were also Honorary State Degrees awarded. Recipients of this award support the FFA and the community. Scott and Nicola McIntosh received their honorary degrees because of all their support for the FFA and for publishing the articles of the Kuna FFA Chapter and the Melba FFA Chapter. 

This State Leadership Conference was a very successful for the Kuna FFA Chapter. Congratulations to everyone, who placed and did well last week. Good Luck to those members moving on to the national level.  Be sure to keep an eye out for the outcome of the various competitions at the national level.