By Maggie Reynolds, Kuna FFA Reporter
The Kuna FFA chapter had a great week during this year’s State Leadership Convention. This annual event brings FFA members from across the state together to participate in CDE’s, (Career Development Events) partake in workshops, and listen to great speakers. The Kuna chapter was able to fill up the bus, taking nearly 50 members down to Twin Falls to experience Idaho FFA at its best. These members excelled in many areas and represented Kuna well.
Kuna FFA had two state-winning teams who will be able to advance to Nationals in October of this year. The Horse Evaluation team consisted of Kinsie Ward, who was the 1st high individual in the state, Heather Skovgard, Kevin Brown, and Chelsea Dye. The Farm Business Management team included members Amanda Reynolds, 1st high individual, Max Blitman, 2nd high individual, Henry Wilson, 3rd high individual, and Brett Blackstock, 4th high individual.
The chapter also had members who did well as individuals. Kuna members won in four proficiency areas, an award that focuses on the student’s SAE project (Supervised Agricultural Experience). Members proclaimed as state winners who will be able to advance to nationals include Brett Berheim in Swine Entrepreneurship, Mark Nebeker in Diversified Agricultural Production, Maggie Reynolds in Beef Placement, and Jeni Hagler in Horse Production. Kuna also had eleven members receive their State Degree, which can be obtained after a certain amount of effort has gone into the member’s SAE project and their ag classes. Recipients from Kuna are: Autumn Ellis, Dylan Fadgen, Kendra Flavel, Mark Nebeker, Mackenzie Peace, Amanda Reynolds, Zachary Reynolds, Samantha Roberts, Dalaney Soto, Madeline Tolbert, and Kim Ware.
During the conference the next state officer team is chosen after candidates go through a three day interviewing process. Serving as the 2012-2013 State FFA Reporter is Kuna’s own Michelle Ball. Michelle has been very involved in the Kuna FFA chapter since her freshman year, serving as an officer for two years as Reporter and Vice President. She participated in many CDE’s and was able to go to Nationals on the Soils Evaluation team, the Farm Business Management team, and the Parliamentary Procedure team. Michelle also developed a strong SAE project, which included raising steers for fairs and developing a registered herd of Angus cattle. She graduated last year and is now attending the University of Idaho, pursuing a degree in Agricultural Education. Michelle’s duties as a State Officer will require her to inform the public about Idaho FFA, work with advisors to develop ag classroom material, plan and coordinate state functions, and meet and encourage FFA members across the state of Idaho. The Kuna FFA chapter congratulates Michelle on this great honor and encourages her to have fun experiencing agriculture across the state!