Upcoming Events for April

Students and parents should be aware of the following: FFA State Leadership Conference in Twin Falls; April 11-14; student cost is $50 and should be paid before leaving on the trip; students also need to plan on bringing money for food; students should have already...

Kuna FFA Members have some Fun

by Maggie Reynolds, chapter reporter During National FFA week, Feb 18-25th, Kuna FFA members participated in their third PALS activity of the year. Partners in Active Learning Support is a program which allows FFA members to partner one-on-one with a 4th grade...

Kuna FFA Has Been Busy!

by Maggie Reynolds, Kuna FFA Reporter  Things are starting to pick up for Kuna FFA. There’s been Creed Speaking, Greenhand and Chapter degrees, Regionals for Range, and coming up, we have Produce Sales and the annual Canned Food Drive. On November 14th, the Kuna FFA...


It’s time for the annual Kuna FFA Chapter produce sales.  To order, talk to an FFA member or visit https://kunaffa.org/contact-us/.  The prices for 2011 are: