Apply for scholarships offered through the Kuna FFA Chapter at: https://kunaffa.org/formsapplications/



ADA COUNTY FARM BUREAU – DUE MARCH 24, 2023 – Ada County Farm Bureau is accepting scholarship applications from graduating high school seniors, as well as returning college students. The deadline for the Ada County Farm Bureau Scholarships is March 24th, 2023. Scholarships will be awarded to both Ag and Non-Ag majors. Applicants must be members of Idaho farm bureau and live in or attend high school in Ada County. (Families that have Farm Bureau Insurance are farm bureau members). Please download the application at https://www.idahofb.org/programs. Applications must be submitted either by mail or in person, to the Ada County Farm Bureau Office in Meridian (30 SW 8th Ave., Meridian, ID 83642) by March 24th, 2023. Please include a coversheet with your application. (Your cover sheet should include:)

  • Your Name
  • Specify Ag, or Non-Ag field of study
  • College/University attending.

For questions or more information, contact the Ada County Farm Bureau scholarship committee chair
Bryce Durrant for more information (208-608-3639)

CANYON COUNTY FARM BUREAU SCHOLARSHIP – Due April 15, 2022: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EGbDh2pJY4fakoMWKzmDllrHvUHkSc4t/view?usp=sharing For more information, contact Bobbi Bicandi at [email protected]

WESTERN IDAHO FAIR SCHOLARSHIP – Due April 3, 2023: https://idahofair.com/ag-scholarship-program/?fbclid=IwAR18RooytszXK-qQw-BR7zr_8YZfWQVmi7dqn4OECDvdjpaJd8D6MrTw7VU

CALDWELL NIGHT RODEO SCHOLARSHIP (March deadline): https://caldwellnightrodeo.com/western-heritage-scholarship-foundation/

IDAHO COMMUNITY FOUNDATION (mostly March deadlines): https://www.idahocf.org/nonprofits-students/scholarships ONE OF THE SCHOLARSHIPS IS SPECIFICALLY FOR KUNA HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS

CALDWELL/NAMPA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AGRI-BUSINESS COMMITTEE SCHOLARSHIP – Due April 15, 2023: For HS Seniors & College Students – Download application at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15gnK8CO-HiPZcPGjmvihSwbJ0Ak0NhvC/view?usp=sharing

TRACY EDWARDS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP – Due April 3, 2023: Applications are available in the KHS College & Career Center, or click here to view the instructions

Rachael Ashley’s Scholarship Searching Tips – Financial aid tips from Kuna FFA Alumni Rachael Ashley


Idaho State Board of Education Scholarships

The Race for Education – scholarships for students who want to work in the horse industry. Due dates range from December to May.

American Legion Financial Aid Guide – the American Legion provides resources for finding financial aid. You can also visit www.needalift.org.


GE-ReaganScholarship Program (opens in fall): http://www.reaganfoundation.org/GE-RFScholarships.aspx

United States JCI Senate Foundation Scholarship (opens in fall): https://www.usjcisenate.org/scholarship-program

Idaho Board of Education Scholarships (open in fall; various closing dates Dec.-April): https://boardofed.idaho.gov/scholarships/

National FFA Scholarships (usually due in January): https://www.ffa.org/participate/grants-and-scholarships/scholarships/

**Middle/High School Students** Stossel in the Classroom Essay Contest (usually due in February/March): https://stosselintheclassroom.org/essay-contest/

Society of Women Engineers (closing dates between February and May): https://swe.org/scholarships/

Idaho Irrigation Equipment Association (usually closes in February): https://www.idahoirrigationequipmentassociation.org/scholarship.html

Far West Agribusiness Association Scholarship (April deadline): https://www.fwaa.org/scholarship

Idaho Board of Education Opportunity Scholarship (March 1 deadline): https://boardofed.idaho.gov/scholarships/idaho-opportunity-scholarship/

Idaho Power Scholarships (March 1 deadline): https://www.idahopower.com/community-recreation/community/funds-scholarships/

EngineerGirl! Essay Contest (February 1 deadline): https://www.engineergirl.org/128750/EngineerGirl-Writing-Contest

EngineerGirl! Scholarship Links: https://www.engineergirl.org/default.aspx?id=7&q=scholarship

Children’s Cancer Cause Scholarship (March deadline): https://www.childrenscancercause.org/scholars?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjou1-qmR9gIVFBLnCh251QBaEAAYASAAEgJDEvD_BwE

Stop The Bleed Scholarship: https://stopthebleedcoalition.org/scholarships/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIv9HbvqqR9gIVBBDnCh2lGAODEAAYASAAEgLpoPD_BwE

National Farmers Farm Kids for College Scholarship (usually February deadline): https://www.nationalfarmers.com/scholarships/

Agriculture Future of America National Leader & Academic Scholarship (usually March deadline): https://www.agfuture.org/s/1342/rd16/index3.aspx?sid=1342&gid=1&pgid=329

Caldwell Night Rodeo Scholarships (March deadline): https://caldwellnightrodeo.com/western-heritage-scholarship-foundation/

McGregor Scholarship (March Deadline): https://www.mcgregor.com/resources/scholarships-2/

NASA Idaho Space Grant Consortium (internship opportunities): https://www.idahospacegrant.org/

American Agri-Women Scholarship (March 1 deadline): https://americanagriwomen.org/scholarships/

Idaho CattleWomen: http://www.idahocattlewomen.org/author/idaho-cattlewomen/

Western Stockman’s & Simplot Livestock Scholarships: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Egnjg8D61cpLN1m_Q5LR3JjtE1H-Dlgc/view?usp=sharing

American Fire Sprinkler Association Scholarship Program (April 1 deadline): https://www.afsascholarship.org/

Samsung America Scholarship Program: http://www.samsungscholarship.com/

Abbott & Fenner Business Consultants (June deadline): https://abbottandfenner.com/scholarships.php